TROPICAL ZONE - Marine West Coast

-mild winters & mild summers
-low annual temperatures range
-heavy cloud cover
-high humidity

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TROPICAL ZONE - Humid Continental

Warm Summer Subtype
-hot humid summers
-ocassional winter cold waves
-large anual temperatures range
Cool Summer Subtype
-Moderate summers
-Long cold winters
-Large anual temperature range
-Less precipitation tanh warm summer subtype

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TROPICAL ZONE - Mediterranean Climate

-mild winters
-dry summer
-high porcentage of sunshine

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TROPICAL ZONE - Ecuatorial Climate

-constant high temperatures
-high precipitation
-lots of cloud cover
-high humidity

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1. Who had the idea of this adventure? Why?

The president Thomas Jefferson, 'cause he wanted to make America richer and more powerful than ever before.

2. How did Mandan Indians behave with the expedition?

They were kind and they warmly welcomed the expedition.

3. Who helped the expedition to continue when the maps failed?

A local Indian who knew the lay of the land.

4. When did they finish the journey and come back home?

The journey ended on November 7,but they arrived to St.Louis the following spring,after a long journey.

5. Did they find an easy route, followed afterwards for other people? Why?

Yes,they did. After,many American used the Lewis & Clark's Route to search new lands and trade.

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NAME: Mackenzie river

LOCATION: Canada, Northwest Territories

LENGTH: 1,738 km

SOURCE: Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada


MOUTH: Mackenzie delta, Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea, Canada


· In 2008, Canadian and Japanese researches extracted a constant stream of natural gas in de Mackenzie Delta.

· The river is navigable for five months of the year. It freezes on October and the ice breaks up on May.

·One of the major tributaries is the Great Bear River.

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The hurricane Mitch was the mos powerful hurricane (category 5,the highest possible on the Saffir -Simpson Hurricane Scale.) on the 1998. It started in the coast of Africa like a tropical wave on October 10 and finished like a tropical storm in Jamaica on Octboer 23. The hurricane Mitch dropped historics rainfalls in Honduras,Guatemala and Nicaragua 'cause its motion was really slowly (between October 29 and November 3) The deaths caused for the catastrophic flooding made it the second deadliest Atlantic hurricane in history. 11.000 were killed and over 8.000 people left missing at the end of 1998.

Before bitting Honduras,the hurricane formed waves of up 6.7 m (22 feet).

Althought the hurricane necer entered in Nicaragua,its motion caused extensive rainfall.

In the Caribbean Sea, the hurricane was responsible for the loss of the Fantome windjammer. The 31 men of the crew died.

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~este climograma representa o clima subtropical húmido.Neste clima as chuvias permanecen todo o ano,os meses de inverno son moi fríos (con temperaturas baixo cero) e nos veráns tamén chove,pero as temperaturas son temperadas.

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~este climograma representa o clima mediterráneo,no que destacan os invernos moi húmidos pero con temperaturas temperadas,e uns veráns moi secos e con temperaturas altas.

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~este climograma representa o clima desértico,no que apreciamos altas temperaturas durante todo o ano (as temperaturas non baixan de dez grados á sombra) e escasas precipitacións.

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~the weather forecas for de 2nd of November it'll be like it's commun in Galicia:there will be showers in the north and in some places of de east.But in the center of Galicia it'll be cloudy. During all the day,the temperatures it'll down.The minium temperaturer for that day it'll be 4º and the maximun temperature it'll be 16º.

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~los países con una mayor extensión son Francia,Alemania,España,Italaia & Polonia.Por otro lado,los países con menor extensión son Malta,Chipre & Luxemburgo.Aunque estos últimos cuentan con una densidad de población mucho mayor que la que poseen los paises de mayor extensión,aunque no llegan a superar a Gran Bretaña,Bélgica u Holanda.Por otra parte,los países del norte (Finlandia,Suecia,Estonia etc.) son los que menos población & densidad de poblacion tienen.
En lo referente al producto interioro bruto,el país más rico (& con bastante diferencia) es Luxemburgo,que cuenta con $113,oo4 per capita.Sin embargo,podemos apreciar que paíse del sur de europa como son Romania,Eslovaquia o Eslovenia son algunos de los países más pobres.

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