John Lennon - Imaxina

Imaxina que non hai un paraíso, é fácil se o intentas.
Ningún inferno baixo os nosos pés, e arriba soamente o ceo.

Imaxina a toda a xente vivindo o hoxe.

Imaxina que non hai países, non é difícil de facer.

Nada polo que matar ou morrer, e tampouco relixións.
Imaxina a toda xente vivindo a vida en paz.

Ti, ti podes dicir que son un soñador, pero non son o único.
Espero que algún día únaste a nós, e o mundo viva coma un só.

Imaxina que non hai posesións, pregúntome se podes.

Ningunha necesidade de codicia ou fame, unha irmandade do home.
Imaxina a toda a xente compartindo o mundo.

Ti, ti podes dicir que son un soñador, pero non son o único.
Espero que algún día únaste a nós, e o mundo viva coma un só.

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1- Complete this table comparing the first and the second industrial revolution:

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Thomas Alva Edison

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration"

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many things that make the life better around the world. Thomas Edison was born Milan, Ohio. He invented his first patent when he was 14. He contracted scarlet fever and he was completely deaf of his ear. So, he learned Morse code and the use of the telegraph. When he was 16, he finished his first invention called automatic repeater. In 1887, Edison invented the phonograph: the firs machine that could record and play sounds. This patent makes him internationally famous. But his VERY IMPORTANT invention was the light bulb. Well, Edison didn’t invent the light bulb, he just make it better. He made that the bulb lasted more and now they are very common in all the homes of the world.

Thomas Alva Edison has the record for the most number of patents: 1093.

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