1. Mention some laws achieved by workers in England inproving their work conditions.
The 8-hour work day, insure workers against unemployement or ill and the negotation of wages.

2. What happened the First of May?
The workers of the United States got the 8-hour work day on this day. It's call Labour Day or May Day.

3. Look for information about the suffragettes? Who was Emily Davison?
The suffragette is a term for the member of the movement for the women's suffrage in the United Kingdom, specially for the members of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU). The women wanted to be treated as equals to men. The term of this movement come from "suffrage". It is the right that the women wanted: the right to vote.

Emily Davison was militant women's suffrage activist who was trampled by the King George V's horse on 4 June 1913. She died four days later.

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John Lennon - Imaxina

Imaxina que non hai un paraíso, é fácil se o intentas.
Ningún inferno baixo os nosos pés, e arriba soamente o ceo.

Imaxina a toda a xente vivindo o hoxe.

Imaxina que non hai países, non é difícil de facer.

Nada polo que matar ou morrer, e tampouco relixións.
Imaxina a toda xente vivindo a vida en paz.

Ti, ti podes dicir que son un soñador, pero non son o único.
Espero que algún día únaste a nós, e o mundo viva coma un só.

Imaxina que non hai posesións, pregúntome se podes.

Ningunha necesidade de codicia ou fame, unha irmandade do home.
Imaxina a toda a xente compartindo o mundo.

Ti, ti podes dicir que son un soñador, pero non son o único.
Espero que algún día únaste a nós, e o mundo viva coma un só.

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1- Complete this table comparing the first and the second industrial revolution:

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Thomas Alva Edison

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration"

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many things that make the life better around the world. Thomas Edison was born Milan, Ohio. He invented his first patent when he was 14. He contracted scarlet fever and he was completely deaf of his ear. So, he learned Morse code and the use of the telegraph. When he was 16, he finished his first invention called automatic repeater. In 1887, Edison invented the phonograph: the firs machine that could record and play sounds. This patent makes him internationally famous. But his VERY IMPORTANT invention was the light bulb. Well, Edison didn’t invent the light bulb, he just make it better. He made that the bulb lasted more and now they are very common in all the homes of the world.

Thomas Alva Edison has the record for the most number of patents: 1093.

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A. Match these means of transport with their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages: cheap over long distances.
suitable for bulky goods and recreation, but little else.
Disadvantages: few routes and narrow.
expensive to build and maintain.
no flexibility of routes.
too shallow and short (UK)

Advantages: cheap over long distance.
no cost in building the route.
good for bulky, low costs goods. (eg. coals, ores, grains)
costs spread over a large cargo.
Disadvantages: slow.
very limited routes to deep-water ports.
ships expensive yo build and maintain.
enviromental problems -especially pollution.
ports take up great space.

Advantages: fast over shorts routes/motorways.
flexible routes/well developed network.
independece and privacy.
high quality roads and motorways in many EMDCs.
Disadvantages: expensive over long distance.
slow in urban areas.
costs increase rapidly with time.
expensive to build and maintain.
limited load size/only small loads can be carried.

Advantages: fast over medium-to-long journeys.
cost effective over medium-to-long journeys.
can carry hundreds of passengers and heavy bulky goods.
safe, dependable and comfortable.
run to a regular and reliable timetable.
avold congestion and delay.
Disadvantages: expensive on short and long routes.
inflexible, limited to routes.
limited by physical geography (gradient)
expensive to build and maintain.

Advantages: continuous flow.
cheap maintenance.
no hold-ups nor congestion.
good for bulk liquids such as oil and gas.
Disadvantages: very expensive to build.
limited to very level routes.
enviroment problems (eg. Trans-Alaska pipeline)
inflexible once laid.

Advantages: fast over long distances.
limited congestion.
good for high value transport.
good for people, high tech industries and urgent cargo.
Disadvantages: lot of lands needed for airports.
noise and visual pollution.
very expensive to build and maintain.
no flexibility of routes.
carry only small loads.

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In the shorter distances should use the road, it is cheaper. For a little longer distances can use the train or water. But in very long distances, the best and most economical option is to use the pipeline.

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What changes are shown in the pie-charts?
The three sectors were well matched, but dominated the secondary sector in 1920. In 1995, the importance of the primary sector is minimal. the importance of the secondary sector also is reduced, while the tertiary sector increases and stands as the most important sector with a larger number of workers since 1995.
Give reasons for the changes shown in the two pie charts.
The UK is a MEDC, so its going to be tertiary economy having to worry about giving people the best services to its economy, as a country development, can give.

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